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Jack's teachify Music box - Arctic Monkeys

The Arctic Monkeys are a band that need little introduction, they were perhaps the first great band of the internet age. Initially, the band received great exposure through online platforms such as Myspace and eventually became one of the most hyped bands in the United Kingdom with their 2006 debut album Whatever People Say I am, That’s What I’m Not becoming the fastest debut album in UK history selling overcopies in its first week. With instant classics such as I Bet That You Look Good on the Dancefloor and When the Sun Goes Down, Whatever People Say I am, That’s What I’m Not remains a modern classic and, for
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Teacher chit-chat New Year 2019 resolutions

Welcome back English lovers! This week we have another Teachify Teacher Chit-Chat. We would also like to take this opportunity to introduce our new teacher, Jonathan.  Jonathan is from Australia and has been living in Sevilla for 2 years now. But more on him in another blog. For now, we want to talk about 2019 and our your New Year’s resolutions!  Making New Year’s resolutions can be difficult. You need to think about one that is realistically achievable for the whole year, and not just for a month or so! In this week’s Teachify Teacher Chit-Chat, we have also provided you with the phrasal verbs, idioms and even a video to perfect your listening. WOW!  Phrasal
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Entrevista con un Teachifyer! Our student Pepe Mel

¡Estamos orgullosos de nuestros alumnos, de sus esfuerzos y avances! Por eso, ¡cada mes vamos a entrevistar a un Teachifyer! Aquí podrás conocer a otros amantes de la lengua inglesa, y sobre todo aprender de ellos. Este mes tenemos el placer de introducir a alguien a quien no hace falta presentar siquiera, José Mel Perez, que inaugura nuestra primera entrevista de enero del 2019.      En Teachify hemos tenido el placer de dar clases particulares a Pepe desde octubre del año pasado.    Nosotros nos desplazamos al lugar que mejor le viene cada vez que reserva clase, y a la hora que él decida, adaptándonos
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