• Diana Szewczyk

  • Clases de inglés para adultos - Cambridge Exam Preparation Center
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Idiomatic expressions of Relationships (Advanced Level)

Hello guys, 

Below you can find useful expressions of Relationships. I recommend you to practise them by writing your own sentences (you can send me your phrases by a private message).   


To get on like a house on fire - If two people get on like a house on fire, they like each other very much and become friends very quickly:

I was worried that they wouldn't like each other but in fact they're getting on like a house on fire.


To get on someone's nerves - to annoy someone a lot:

Stop singing. You’re getting on my nerves.


To put a strain on - to burden or overload someone or something.:

The epidemic put a strain on the resources of the hospital.


To put somebody / something down - to make someone or something appear foolish or unimportant:

One critic put the author down by saying she  wrote like a teenager, but in fact, she is an experienced lawyer. 


To have it in for somebody - to be determined to harm or criticize someone: 

She's always had it in for me.


To have a rocky relationship - a rocky situation or relationship is unstable and full of difficulties:

They had gone through some rocky times together when Ann was first married...   


To turn sour - to be unsuccessful, or to not develop in a satisfactory way:

The relationship turned sour over a financial dispute.


To turn your back on someone / something -  to ignore someone or something: 

He said the nation had turned its back on the poor for many years.


To take to someone / something - to like something or someone: 

We took to our new neighbors very quickly.

The children have really taken to tennis.


To look up to somebody - to admire and respect someone: 

The son looks up to his father. 


To look down on someone - to feel that someone is less important than you or does not deserve respect:  

Home owners often look down on plumbers.


To take a dislike to somebody - If you take a dislike to someone or something, you decide that you do not like them:

I took a violent dislike to him.

He may suddenly take a dislike to foods that he's previously enjoyed.


To keep yourself to yourself - If you keep yourself to yourself, you stay on your own most of the time and do not mix socially with other people:

He was a quiet man who kept himself to himself.


I hope you will find them useful! 

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